It’s Not You, It’s Me— Breakup With 2021

Hey y’all!! Did ya miss me? I know… it’s been a while… but let me explain. 2021 has been a W I L D ride. Long story short— I needed some time to get my shit together. Every time I wanted to write, my brain said “Nah ✋🏽” and then more shit would happen. I […]

This Is For You

Today, I completed a HUGE goal! I graduated college. God has an interesting sense of humor. You see, on May 13, 2013 I walked across the stage at George Mason University. Unfortunately, I failed my summer courses and never got my degree. I went back in 2015 and failed half of my classes. So many […]


I know.. it’s been a while. I had to get my sh*t together y’all. (Still in progress FYI!) While all that is amazing and I’m forever grateful for my blessings, the journey has not been easy. I have cried so many tears over the last few months. Tears of pain, heartache, joy, excitement, loss.. you […]

No Self-Rejecting in 2021

A Facebook friend/ college associate of mine posted this perfectly timed message that I want to share with the masses: How often have you found yourself putting off things/experiences or hiding talents? What about not going out for positions/promotions? Maybe you don’t tell people your true feelings for fear of being rejected? I’ve personally done […]

Meet People Where They Are

I’ll be honest, over the years (and even recently) I’ve been a real shitty friend. I could blame it on my mental health..I could blame it on my childhood..I could blame it on my miscarriages..I could blame it on anything other than myself but the truth is: I’m selfish. I’ve come accept that about myself. […]

Take A Break!

Okay y’all… I know, it’s been a minute and I’m sorry!!! I had to recharge. This past month has been extremely emotionally draining. Ya girl was TIRED! Between being short-staffed at work, stressing over my class, doing hair part-time, taking care of my injured boyfriend, and having my bonus baby with us, I was already […]

Lost & Found

You ever get into a space where nothing makes sense? When it feels like you’re just lost and don’t know who you want to be, where you want to go, or what you want to do? Like you’re just walking around in a fog? It can’t just be me.. Remember how I told y’all I […]

2020 Vision

Here we are, 9 months into the year that pretty much everyone had such big plans for. I don’t know about you, but there have been quite a few times where I’ve said aloud, “2020 sucks ass!”. Then I came across this gem the other day: I don’t know her, but homegirl is 100% correct! […]

Faith > Fear

It’s been a little while, I know. I wanted to talk to y’all but I didn’t have the words. Well now I do.. 8.20.08— I lost my grandma. She was my other momma. 90% of my childhood memories include her. She took my sister & I fishing at the lake almost every warm, sunny Saturday. […]